Monthly Archives: March 2013

A hobbit house card (aka – finding out I can still draw a bit.)

I like a challenge when it comes to cardmaking. People are always saying things like “can you make a card with a spaceship – spinning wheel – labrador in pyjamas motif?” (Not that combination exactly, but I like to say I’ll try anything!)

So, my friend Claire (she has a lovely blog here – check it out!) asked me to make a card for her husband. With a hobbit style house.

I could not find a suitable digi stamp anywhere on t’internet.  “How hard can this be?” I thought. “I have a GCSE in Art. I’ll draw one.”

DSCF9817So, here is the card I made. I coloured my image with promarkers and embellished the card with a wooden heart button, and some eyelets (because I tidied up my craft stuff and found my eyelet setting tool.)


And I was thinking, perhaps other people would like to have a hobbit house image to colour, so here my image. I use lots of freebies so it’s about time I gave something back!

hobbithouseI think you should be able to right click on that image and save it to colour yourself. (I am happy for you to use it for handmade items for personal use, and happy for you to sell the handmade items on a small scale.)

I’d love to see any cards you make using it so, please, do let me know if you do!

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Filed under birthday, cardmaking, digi stamp