Monthly Archives: April 2013

Upcycled pyjamas – can you tell I’m an eighties child?




What better use of a duvet cover than some lovely comfy jim jams?

I bought this Harlequin and Columbine duvet cover in a charity shop, because it was 50p and because I can’t resist a bit of 80’s tat nostalgia.

Because it’s been washed about a million times in the last 30 years the cotton is lovely and soft. (The brand is St. Michael, and you know your mum would tell you how the stuff from Marks and Sparks is made to last.)

I used an experimental pattern.

Which means I made it up as I went along.








Basically, I drew around a top I already had, to make one piece for the back, and three pieces for the front. I didn’t want to have the stress of needing buttons so made sure it would fit over my head. I also drew around some existing PJ trousers to make two pieces for the bottoms.

As an inexperienced dressmaker I did made a few bad decisions – I should have hemmed the neckline before sewing the shoulders together, and I could have been a bit more generous in the size of the channel for the elastic on the trousers,  but hey ho, they fit and I made them myself!




Filed under sewing