Category Archives: Upcycling

Upcycled cassette gift card

DSCF0847I love to upcycle – it gives me an excuse to hoard that clutter…! I found a carrier bag full of cassette tapes (remember those?) in the attic and just knew there would be something I could make with them. I chopped the cassette in half and pulled out the insides to make this.

DSCF0848And inside there is a pocket, perfect for holding an iTunes gift card – or any other sort of gift card for that matter.



Filed under cardmaking, Christmas, Upcycling

Whoever knew an old keyboard would be so inspiring?

keyboard signMy 8 year old son Anthony wanted to make something out of the circuit board of the old keyboard. He thought it would look cool hanging on the wall like a picture.

We decided to print out and glue on some words to make a door sign.

The circuit board already had handy holes so we chopped some of the curly flex off and threaded it through for a hanging thread.

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Filed under family, Upcycling

Upcycling for computer geeks

keyboard upcyclingThis is what you get when you find a dirty old keyboard in the attic, and you think it would be perfect for making a birthday card for your computer obsessed soon to be 10 year old.

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Filed under cardmaking, Upcycling